6 Spring Plumbing Tips For Our Mansfield, Ohio Community
6 Spring Plumbing Tips For Our Mansfield, Ohio Community
If you are like most people, you do not think much about your home's plumbing system unless something goes wrong. However, there are several simple tasks you can complete periodically to ensure your system is working correctly. Hopefully, the following tips will succeed at helping you avoid problems with your plumbing this spring.
Check Toilets for Leaks, Cracks, and other Problems
There is possibly a toilet in your home that needs you to hold the lever down before it will flush properly. While this may only pose a small inconvenience for you, this problem can cause your water bill to take a big hit. Check for the presence of leaks at the base of your toilet. If leaks are discovered, you can change the seal to address this matter. Also, check your toilet for cracks that may affect the flow of water.
Replace Filters
One way to keep your plumbing working smoothly is to replace your filters about once a year. Filters that are left in place too long can easily lead to clogs in sinks, showers, and other places that will cause a great inconvenience to you and your family.
Clean Taps and Shower-heads
The minerals present in the water in your home can build up around sink taps and shower-heads. White vinegar is a safe and effective substance that can be used to remove this buildup. To remove mineral buildup from around your shower head, pour white vinegar into a plastic bag. Next, use a rubber band to secure the plastic bag around the showerhead. Leave the bag in place for a full day. For sinks, pour the vinegar on the surface where the problem exists and then scrub the mineral deposits away.
Check Taps
Turn the taps that supply water to your sinks, toilets, and other places in your home on and off a few times. The goal is to make sure the taps are easy to turn and do not become rigid. You should do the same with the valve that controls the main water supply to your home. This easy to complete plumbing tip could become the most important plumbing advice you receive this spring. The last thing you want to happen is for a leak to spring in your home and you are unable to turn off the supply of water.
Check Faucets Outside Your Home
Spring is the best time to check for plumbing problems left behind by the winter. It is common for problems caused by frozen water to present themselves in the form of leaks in an outside faucet. Turn on the faucet and place your hand where the water runs from the opening. There may be a leak that needs fixing if the water stops or slows down once your hand is at the opening.
Check for Leaks in Pipes
Check every pipe in your home for condensation, leaks, and drips. Do this quick check each spring to identify any problems with your pipes that may have been caused by winter freezes.
The Takeaway
Your home is possibly the most asset you possess. You can save yourself thousands of dollars by routinely checking for evidence of water damage in your home. You should take a proactive approach to maintain your home's plumbing system and do not hesitate to call a professional at H & H Plumbing, Heating, Cooling of Mansfield, Ohio when there is a sign of trouble.